marraige, children and compromise

I know a lot of people have different opinions on marriage and kids, but personally I have always wanted to be married before I have kids, not because it's tradition or anything but because I feel like if my partner can't commit to me then I can't trust them to commit to being a parent. Me and my boyfriend have been discussing these things recently, and although both of us know any of this is a LONG way off, we seem to keep coming back to it. His opinion is that he doesn't want to get married but he would like kids, whereas I've always said I would only have kids with someone I'm married too. I was curious how many people thing this is something than we could reach a compromise on or not? I love him with all my heart and I trust he would be a good dad once we were in the right position to have a family, but I feel that I wouldn't be able to let go of my want to be married first. I also feel like if i were to let go of my desire to be married, i'd be giving something up but he wouldnt, which doesnt really make a compromise...thoughts?

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