your attention please

My 9.1 months baby hasn't started crawling yet, and she doesn't come around sofas and tables at home. I put her in tummy time, but she doesn't seem interested in her toys, she just stares the tv. She rolled when she was 6 months, she sat down quite by herself 7 months, so she has been ok until now. In fact, she is a very quiet baby, hardly ever cries. She is sociable, always smiling with all the members of the family, she dances with every music she hears (especially with her favorite, "C'est la vie"). She speaks ma-ba-da-ta and other syllables. She eats well, but still she doesn't seem interested to pick up food, to eat by herself, even though she has 4 teeth. I am a little worried in fact, she seems it will take a lot of time to walk, eventhough ped says its okAnyone in this situation?