Trouble having an orgasm with partner

Melanie • melogna

Hey, everybody. I know that this is actually a very common issue among women which is why I'm hoping I could get some help or advice. Whenever I have sex with my partner it is very difficult for me to get to the point of orgasm. The few times that I have it was because I was rubbing my clit or we were using a vibrator. I know its very common for a woman to not get off solely from penetration but my partner has trouble getting me off even by rubbing my clit. I think it's just cause he has very big hands and it's hard for him to stay in the same place. It's like only I know exactly how to do it which I guess is no big deal but my partner has started to get frustrated with himself over not getting me off and so we're both searching for ways to get it done. Any tips on positions that help or any other methods? It would be greatly appriciated.