Driving myself crazy!!


Ok, ladies. I’m in need of some positive stories, advice, and maybe just some listening ears that understand!! Hubby and I have been TTC for 9 months and I am scheduled to have a laparoscopy for endometriosis this coming Wednesday.

My cycles were really long when I first came off the pill (35-36 days), but have steadily decreased to 29-30 days the past 2-3 months. We stopped tracking this month just because we needed a mental break and pretty much understood that it’s probably not going to happen until after surgery.

This past week, I have felt odd a few times (slight nausea, brief dizziness, enhanced sense of smell), which means I am probably symptom spotting (again), but now here I am on CD 33 and still no AF. Negative HPT yesterday, but didn’t use fmu. My fingers are crossed that this is a good sign, but I can’t help but be doubtful. I just need confirmation one way or the other before surgery in 3 days!! Any advice? Similar stories? Anyone not gotten a positive until days after AF is due?

Thanks in advance!