Marriage tattoo

So I met the love of my life 4 years ago and ever since then we have been inseparable. We married in April of 2016, had our first son in May 2017. I always swore I would never get a man’s name tattooed on my body. Ever. But, guys...I really want to put his initials or our date on my ring finger. He agrees that he wants to do it too. He’s been wanting to but he knew I was against it so got that idea out of his head. But now I brought it up and I think we are going to do it. Now I know before anyone says this, we could always divorce. That’s true. His name will always be on me or our date will. But, we have been through hell and back and stuck by each other through it all. He’s the one and I am his one and we both agree that we will never give up on each other and that our marriage will be eternal. So with that being said I think we will get this rolling probably sometime this week. What do you ladies think? Am I crazy lol