
I'm just gonna rant alittle bit. Maybe I sound like a complete bitch, but I just want opinions. Okay so I'm 17, and so is my boyfriend. He has a job at a fast food restaurant so obviously he makes money. Okay. So, he has never once payed or offered to take me out on a date or anything. Back in October, we went to eat at steak and shake with my parents. He didn't offer to pay, didn't say a word, even a thank you, so my dad payed the bill. Afterwards they were taking us to a haunted house and dropping us off. To my surprise, as I was already appalled, he gestured ME to pay for our entry to it! So before looking stupid and holding up the line, I took out my money and payed for our tickets. Oh this one makes me the maddest; we were suppose to have a date night with several friends and their dates at Applebee's. To my surprise, he tells them no, that he wasn't paying for me to eat and that we could just sit there and watch them eat. Okay this made me mad; considering it was before a huge formal at school and i had worked so hard to get all fixed up and pretty. He seems to act like all that matter about me is what he does with my physically. What do you all think about this? Am I being petty?