^^ this shit is a life saver and a panty saver. This shit cleans blood soo easily. Like let’s say Satan’s waterfall arrives a week early and at night. So you wake up covered in your own blood. Take this shit spray it and then leave it for a while and rub it under cold water or something and bada bing bada boom it’s clean bro. It even say it cleans blood. They even sell it at the fucking dollar store. My mother has been getting this shit forever and it works like a charm on like everything. In the picture above it gives some examples of what it could clean. I’ll post a better picture under this. But in all honesty this shit is the fucking BOMB DOT COM!! It comes in a spray bottle and a bigger bottle so you can refill the spray bottle (well idk about that but my mom does that). It’s really great. I recommend it to ladies who always somehow someway leak (me) and parents of really messy kids or something (my siblings) or just clumsy people (once again, me) or people who just want to be clean all the time (my mother). It’s really great. I cannot express how great it is.

(Also I’m on my period and I’m very emotional about stuff. So like I’m about to cry over how much I love this thing. Sorry if I’m really weird)

These are some of the stuff it claims to clean ^^

Edit: I also didn’t know where to put this soo.. I just put it where I thought it fit best.