Boyfriend doesn’t like me going out to the bar/club/parties with my friends.


Every time I go out even if I come home at an early time my boyfriend argues with me. He swears I’m cheating on him and doesn’t want me going out at all. I am also struggling with coming to the realization I may have a drinking problem, as in socially. I can’t say no or say when I’ve had enough. I understand why he gets jealous and upset but I have tried not to go out or be with my friends and somehow always end up out and we always end up arguing. I don’t cheat on him, I call him as soon as I get home and to no avail we are arguing right now. He’s giving me the silent treatment but when I tell him to get his belongings from my house he ignores me and just says to leave me alone and he doesn’t wanna talk to me right now. I’m also very insecure and I think he is too which is causing this problem. I’m 24 he’s 27 and he does go out as well he went out all the time when we first started seeing one another so I don’t understand the problem. HELP! We are now 5 months in as of December and have known each other our whole lives.