Just a shout out post for my hubby💙💜

Joruney • Donovan💙👪💍 Dexter👶🏽💙👪 🐶🐱

Me and my bf have been together almost 3 years now and let me say he’s the greatest! We didn’t have the best relationship in the beginning but we’ve over come it. We’re currently pregnant with our rainbow baby boy, in 26 weeks. He doesn’t have a job but he does work side job to support us(even tho we live in my grandma house, all she ask is for us to clean after our selves and make sure we can provide our own gas money) I’m 20 and he’s 19, we’re just 4 months apart. He’s literally my best friend lover and everything all in one and I’m so grateful to have him in my life💙💙 we did have our own place this year but he was in an accident that cause 3rd/4th degree burns to 40% of his body, with him in the hospital and my mind goes crazy I couldn’t continue to pay the rent so we got evicted and moved to my grandmas. Every since he got out the hospital and done with PT he’s been doing everything for us(I still was working). I swear he’s the greatest and the best I could ever ask for. He deals with my bitching and my bullshit and doesn’t complain surprisingly💙💙