Boyfriend got mad at me for the first time ☹️

Christine • Life Isn't about Waiting For the storm To pass, It's about Learning To dance In the Rain

We were at the skating rink yesterday and they have a pool table and air hockey and a gaming room and last time we were there we just held hands and skated which was really nice but this time it was different... he didn’t really physically touch me at all because my parents were there and so he didn’t really hug me or hold my hand and he mostly played in the arcade and we played air hockey which he won at and then we played pool which I won at but he wanted a re match cause he swear he could beat me but I didn’t want to play again cause I wanted to skate with him and hang out with him and not be competitive and play pool. So he got 75 cents from my friend tony to buy another game and I told him I didnt want to play again but he just wanted to beat me at this game but I didn’t want to play again so when he put the coins in the machine I put the balls in the holes and then he got mad and said “You just wasted Tony’s money” and I said I would pay him back and then he stormed out of the room. Of course I followed him out because this is the first time he’s been mad at me... and he went out to the skating floor and I followed him and he wouldn’t let me catch up with him and I kept yelling “Please don’t be mad at me...especially on my birthday party!” Then he stoped at the side and put his head into his arms on the wall and I said “Are you mad at me?” He shook his head yes and then I said please don’t be mad at me. Then he was like “You we’re just being so-“ and he didn’t finish his sent. And he kept skating off and then he let me catch up with him and I told him I was sorry and that I didn’t want to play again and he said “I’m not mad at you anymore because your smile and your curly hair” and then we went into the gaming room and played Mario kart 8 and played for a while then he had to go home and when I hugged him goodbye he didn’t say I love you back and that made me kinda upset. Should I talk to him about how this made me feel because I kinda feel like crap....

Ps. Sorry this is soo long I just needed to get this off my chest