Need advice?

So please no hate. Here’s my rant growing up I’ve loved babies always wanted one always found it fascinating and so sweet and cute and now my problem is I’m pregnant. It was an accident not on purpose I’m 19 and have my whole life a head of me. I never saw getting pregnant at a young age as the end of the world. Here’s my struggle I can’t connect to my baby..... I don’t feel pregnant I don’t feel the baby and I’m finding it difficult to believe it and take care of my self better to quit smoking ( I am down to one s day) being more careful about the things I do and what I eat. I just feel so crappy. My parents are moving and I live with them and they want me to go but it’s an hour and s half away and the father forbids it because of the baby. I can’t go to school next year because of the baby. I have no place to live come February because that when they move and my baby daddy’s mom is crazy and I’ll go crazy if I have to live with them she’s mean and rude and doesn’t keep her opinion to her self she blames me for everything and he doesn’t care to tell his mom to stop. From day when him and I have been off and on and I seriously am beginning to hate my self because I want to be better. I want to want this baby I want to connect with it but so far all I’ve done is go what if I wasn’t pregnant I feel like I resent my unborn child which makes me the crappiest parent on earth I know I don’t deserve this baby. I honestly need some advice. Abortion is not an option and adoption his mother is threatening court. His mom wants to take the baby from me... from day one she did. I’m not a bad person im scared of being a first time mom I’m scared that my boyfriend is going to be s crap father because he’s already a crap boyfriend and I want to move with my parents and raise this baby with them but he will not let me he said it’s taking his child from him. This baby from day one is going to be brought into two families who hate each other and want to fight over it. I just want to Connect with my baby and love it. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’m 13 weeks I’ve seen the ultrasound I’ve heard the heart beat yet I’m still here uncertain this baby’s life is already messed up and it’s not even born yet. My baby deserves better then this........ please don’t hate on my I’m seriously trying to seek none judgment help.