Help! Could daddy be ex husband or boyfriend

I️ am currently 5 months pregnant and stressed because there is a slight chance the baby could be my ex husbands child. On July 26th I️ began to have egg white cervical mucus but was out of town with my children on vacation. So I️ just assumed my chances of conceiving for that month would be gone because I️ felt like I️ was probably ovulating that day.

We got back on the 28th of July and I️ had sex with my partner on the 29th and 31st. The thing is I️ had sex with my ex husband on August 1st. Believe me I️ repented immediately after and wasn’t anything I felt like I️ really wanted. I️ was just emotionally broken after something personal that occurred with my partner the night before. I️ don’t have any love feelings for my ex husband but had been married to the man for 15 years and felt like he was just there for me emotionally and one thing led to the other. Like I️ said I️ immediately regretted it and nothing between us has happened again. The thing is I’m now not sure what date I️ got pregnant and am so very afraid. I️ never in a million years would have thought I️ would be in a situation like this or know what to do.

For those of you being extra critical and talking about loyalty I want you to know there are two sides to every story. I️ don’t want to get into details about why I️ did what I️ did. Just know that I️ am a good person and love that man. Yes it was wrong and I️ already know that. I️ don’t need to be judged any further because I’ve done plenty of that to myself. I️ believe I️ conceived on the 29th because I️ had egg white cervical mucus three days before which is a big indicator of ovulation. Need advice on that.