Period talk


Alright so I got super emotional on my period. My fiancé got a note 8 and I have an iPhone. I literally started to cry because I realize I couldn’t see if he read my texts and we can’t FaceTime anymore and the texts won’t be blue so his nickname doesn’t work and I got so sad and I started balling and it got to the point he was gonna return it and I was like babe babe no it’s okay. Well during that my friend was like why’re you crying? And I was like I’m on my period how about you? And she hasn’t started and I started to ball again because we synced up but now that itsbreak I haven’t seen her and we aren’t synced anymore. It’s been a tough day.....also ate like 10 Twix and Reece’s. I’m such a big baby oh my Lordy my fiancé is so good to me like man I won with this guy. Like he offered to buy me tampons because I forgot to bring my purse to work. And now I’m crying again omg