The daily repercussions/struggles of endometriosis...

Stephanie • 31 • Married 7 years • Miracle baby 5/20/20 • Dog Mom x3 • 3 Failed IUI's • First IVF 6/15/19 • Miscarried 7/18/19 👼 • FET 9/6/19

I've been at my job a short 7 months. Today is the second day I've had to call in because of my endometriosis. Yes, I understand it could be a lot worse than that. But I feel incredibly guilty leaving my small office without the help! A couple ladies I'm closer too are aware of the condition. Although they are very empathetic It's hard for them to completely understand without going through it.

My guilt is horrible, I debate when I'm "down" ... "is it really unbearable today?" "Will a handful of meds help?" "You can make it through 10hours" "Who's going to be upset with me tomorrow?"

These are all the things I think about and more! They when I go in the next day I feel people looking at me like, "she doesn't look like she was sick, she must of been faking!"

It's hard to explain how you can be completely fine one minute and the next completely overtaken with pain, nausea, vomiting and the many other symptoms.

I know the pain I have is real but sometimes I feel maybe it's not as bad as I'm making it out to be. And then I remember there are people who have it worse than me! How do I shake this guilt?!