Anyone a wedding planner?


if so how did you get your job, did you move up from a server position? did you get certified from an online school? did you go to school

i’m in such a rut i cant take it anymore. i am 22 years old, i’ve worked at one wedding venue when i was 16-18 and i’m now working at another started as a server (2.5 years), moved up to “lead server” aka banquet captain. now during off season last year they trained another banquet (who’s never worked weddings before) and changed the position, as i was not aware of until the new season started and we had training( the 2 girls got introduced as the new banquet captains and i was excluded). i emailed my boss that night asking if i was no longer a lead server/banquet captain and she pretty much said i was the back up in case the other 2 needed days off (we have 2 venues, so one captain for each). so as this season is coming to an end, i have talked to the managers multiple times about being serious about wanting to be a wedding planner and wanting to move up, and telling them i can work more hours around my other job they said okay sounds great (i quit my daycare to work more hours and they never gave them to me so i couldn’t afford not working as many hours as they’d give me) but will give them to another girl they are starting to train like they did last year 🙄

i have also been covering the 2 banquet captains A LOT lately since they’ve been getting sick or leaving early.

i have been applying to many jobs as a manager or another banquet captain position at other venues and it’s like no one is taking me seriously. and this company is just using me because i work my butt off for nothing.

i am also going to school for business-marketing management so i have a degree under my belt as well