Hey y'all (in my Texas voice)

Nikki. • 25 army vet ttc with husband

Hey I been so busy since I had my son. He makes 5 months today. I'm back since this motherhood thing is so new to me I have questions 😩. My doctor wants to put my son on cereal , but idk if that's what's best for him. He makes 5 months today but he was born 11 weeks early. I dont really understand the need for it. He doesn't sit up in his own, he doesn't react to food i.e. Grabbing, reaching, crying for food. I even tried to put some fruit near his mouth but he looked confused 😂. He's growing good even a little faster than the dr would like, my gut is saying just wait till 6months to introduce solids. I want my son to eat completely veagan, gluten free, for as long as possible he's strictly on breastmilk now. Any helpful tips,or opinions??

This is Amir ❤️