young love?


so recently, as in last saturday, my boyfriend of 3 months and i were in my room hanging out and kissing and stuff bc he’s going on a trip over break so we’re just spending time together, like normal. then out of nowhere i feel him break the kiss look down at me and open his mouth a few times but not say anything. i asked what’s wrong thinking i did something (just my mindset) and he starts saying something that turns into a fragment sentence, but then he abruptly said that he loves me. that was the first time that we’ve ever mentioned anything relating love. and two years ago i got my heart broken by my first love and i was so shocked that my now boyfriend said that he loved me. and i was just laying with him in silence. and he said it again like reassuring himself that he actually told me. and i was about to cry bc i thought i’d never hear him say it. and i’m not ready to tell him that i love him yet, even though i think i do. but he’s left on his trip already and i can’t tell him i love him over text. any advice for when he gets back?

ps sorry this was ridiculously long xD