Breastfed Baby Eating Schedule at Daycare


So I am in need of some advice...

Sadly I will be going back to work mid January and my son will be going to daycare at 13 weeks old 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

So since he was born I feed him on demand and he so happens to be on a pretty good schedule where he eats about every 3 sometimes four hours during the day.

I was wondering what type of feeding schedule to follow when he goes to daycare in order to do the least amount of pumped bottles during the day... but keep satisfied with keeping wake and sleep time in consideration!

I will need to be out of the house to drop baby boy off around 6:45 and then he will be picked up at 4:00.
