Anemia at 33 Weeks 🤰🏻

Shirley • Married 💍 Third Time Mom♥️ 1st Baby born 01-25-2018 👧🏻 2nd Baby born 06/24/2020; 3rd Baby - Miscarriage; 4th Baby - Medical Termination diagnosis of Turner’s Syndrome

So.... I'm anemic & I have been for a few months maybe 2 or 3. The baby has been absorbing all my iron 😫 They prescribed pills & I was taking them religiously everyday. When I had my repeat blood work on Wednesday my iron came back lower than the first time 😤 So now I have to take 2 pills a day as if it wasn't hard enough taking 1! Yesterday I was at the mall & I got dizzy. My body was sweating, but I was cold. I had to bend over to feel better. When I decided to walk my vision was blurred. Black spots everywhere. My doctor believes it's because my iron is low. Hopefully after I give birth everything will be ok.