Finding New OB...

Lorena • Had our baby girl! Ophelia Jean Rose came into the world Nov. 28, 2015!
So, I was diagnosed with PCOS in January at a dr office about an hour away. BFP in March. Had to find a different doctor because of a work schedule change. So, I went to my 7w apt in April, and not once did they ask about previous conditions or anything. So my 12apt, I told the nurse "btw, I have PCOS diagnosed in January." She stares at the computer for a few minutes and then looks at me "is that cysts?" "Yeah." Then she began to ask me like 100 questions about it because she didn't know what it was. I don't know how you can work in a gyno office and not know what it is. But that's me. And that was just the beginning of my issues with that office. But it rubbed me the wrong way. Is that normal for a nurse not to know?