Boy trouble


So I really like this one guy Ian, and I’ve liked him for a while. He’s a year older then me and we’ve always been friends. He was kinda rude to me though but not all the time. I told him I like him last summer and he said he liked me too. Then he asked my age and I told him and he stopped acting like we were more than friends after that. We’ve still talked since then almost every day, and I told him I liked him again! And he seemed off about it. So I asked him who’ he liked and he told me he liked another girl. His ex!! But “wouldn’t date her again.” So we always talk and he’s reallyyyyy cute. Every girl is all over him. I’m lucky to talk to him. Then he asked me a few days ago when my birthday since he knew we would be turning the same age I assume. He seemed kinda weird about it considering I’ve already told him my birthday. But he still texts me first everyday. What should I do! I feel like nothing is happening. Should I let him go?