cheating hubby???


So there's this girl. Let's call her Janet. Janet has been with this guy for 3 years. been married since july and is 15 weeks pregnant by Let's call him Bob. In the past, Bob didn't really care if Janet looked through his phone, although she rarely did. He would sometimes even have her answer his texts or calls when he was driving or showering. Recently, however, Bob put a pass-code on his phone. Bob's reason for the pass-code is that his friends sometimes like to grab his phone and post or text stupid things on it. When she asked him for the code, he hesitated but eventually gave her the code. However, he no longer asks her to answer any of his calls or texts. He now usually has his phone face down when he's with her. And worse, she tried accessing the phone while he was showering, but he changed the code. She hasn't said anything to him yet. but been dropping the mad hints like wtf for a while now... It is eating her alive..

Do you think it is all false and just pregnancy emotional hormones? do you think Bob's cheating on her? And, what do you think Janet should do? trust her gut? Talk to him about it first? Just leave his ass? Put a GPS tracker on his phone? Have sex with his best friend as revenge? Or...? 🤔