Anyone else on continuous BC?

My OB has me on birth control continuously (skip the placebos/ no period) in an attempt to prevent the spread of endo since I just had lap surgery in August that removed an endometrioma and my left ovary... I have not had a regular period since before surgery (only if I accidentally missed a pill).

My husband and I went out of town for Thanksgiving and I left my BC pack behind along with the new refill 🤦🏼‍♀️. I was at the end of my pack with about 3 days of active pills left when I stopped taking them. We had unprotected sex a few times and I never started my period or had any bleeding whatsoever. Usually, if I miss even a day or two I would start bleeding... fast forward to now, almost Christmas, and still no period or bleeding..I didn’t start taking my pills when I got back because I was waiting on my period to start so that I would not be taking them mid-cycle.

Should I start taking a new pack even if I haven’t started my period? (The directions say to wait, but since I’m not getting a period 🤷🏼‍♀️)

Can endo spread in this short time I haven’t taken my pills?

Could I be pregnant? (Took a test 3 weeks after sex and it was negative)

Any help or shared experience in this matter would be appreciated 😩