L&D stay..

L 🤰🏻 • •Heart belongs to a state trooper 💙 •AGL 4-10-18 👶🏽💜🌈 •Bonus son- ELW 👦🏼💚 •EJW 6-2-20💓👶🏻

I'm only 23 weeks and my OB sent me to L&D; to be monitored last night due to preterm contractions, terrible backache for 3 days and my cervix was in all kinds of pain 🤦🏻‍♀️ Baby girl is fine and way up above my belly button so he was surprised by that. They did an early NST and she was fine and bouncing around, unbothered. HR 140-144. Luckily no infections showed on my labs.. just the preeclampsia which we were already aware of. I'm so thankful my rainbow baby is still growing and healthy 💕

Surprisingly I've always been told not to count kicks till 26+ weeks cause it's too early before then. But my OB told me I should feel her move least 4 times an hour when actually trying to feel her right now. 🤷🏻‍♀️

I'm going to start steroid shots on the 27th of this month at 24w1d just to be on the safe side since I have preeclampsia. Anyway ladies.. please keep my baby girl in your thoughts that she keeps growing and makes it till least 30+ weeks. 😊💜 thanks ladies.