waiting to go for a d&c next Wednesday.


This is my first pregnacy and it's been a total rollercoaster. I went in for a early scan at 7 weeks due to slight bleeding to be told I was measuring at 5.5 weeks. back for another scan 10 days later and baby has grown only very slightly but still measuring at under 6 weeks :-( They did say they couldn't get a clear scan, for some reason it wasn't as clear as the week before. I go in for 1 last final scan for a have the operation. I have total respect for anybody going through this. It is a emotional rollercoaster and such a dampened on pregnacy when it's your first one. I'm not expecting Christmas day to be to much fun as going into hospital on the 27th Dec. Lots of love to anyone going through such a sad thing at this time of year, lets look forward to 2018 xxx