cant stop screaming at my 4 year old


I feel like I'm failing and losing my mind all at the same time. I have a 4 year old and a 7 week old. I stay home and take care of them both whole my husband works, so he is only home to help about 2 hours and than has to go to bed. so it's me all day alone every day. I never go anywhere alone because she is breastfed and I have to save my freezer stash for when I start back classes next month. I've found myself very very impatient with my toddler. he has been wining at about everything and it's setting me over the edge. for example if his pants touch his leg the wrong way he has a melt down or if his sock is turned the wrong way. I've found myself screaming at him as loud as I can and even caught myself throwing my phone across the room and him looking at me like I am crazy. and maybe I am, cause I feel crazy. I know I should scream at him and when I say scream I legit scream at the top of my lungs and immediately feel Terrible and break down in tears and say sorry over and over and promise him i will be better. has anyone ever been in this situation? and how did u handle it.? before the new baby got here I had alot more paticene with my toddler and now i suddenly have none. I don't know what to do. I feel he doesn't even love me anymore cause I've been so mean.