How to get over someone

Hey you wonderful ladies,

So, I’ve liked this guy for 5ish years now (man, writing about this just get me all emotional). Anyway, so it’s been 5 years and he has stopped talking to me.

The first time we met, we were taking an English exam together and from there we were inseparable. He was my first everything, except sex. He was strange about that.

Let’s fast forward to his birthday and I decided to surprise him with a gift (let’s just say that it was something that was really expensive and I really regret it now, but what’s done it done). For getting him the gift, he decided to treat me with a night out at this expensive hotel.

I was so amazed! No one has ever done something so wonderful for me, I was really shocked.

Anyway, after having that great night together we continued texting each other, until he said he said he texted me and said stop texting him, he’s in love with someone else.

I cried for 5 minutes because I had spent so much on him and I thought we really had something going on. Clearly, I was a fool. I hated myself for it and my mom didn’t make me feel any better about it. Whenever I would buy something, she would ask if I spent it on a guy, it literally pissed me off because I clearly learned from my mistake. I don’t want to be reminded of it.

Anyway, let’s fast forward to a year later, he texts me out of the blue and after I was dealing with a bad break up. (I’m just not lucky with guys). 🤷🏾‍♀️ He’s going on about how he misses me and loves me, which I was really confused about.

I told him I would need space, so he gave me the space I needed. Also, I kind of needed a rebound. So, once an idiot always an idiot right ladies!

So, anyway took him back with open arms because comfort. We did really well, he was treating me better. It was really nice, I started to break down my trusting walls for him, but at the same time, I still had this nagging hurt. He never apologized and I really wanted one. In stead it turned into a whole argument. We didn’t talk for MONTHS!

So, I swallowed my pride because I missed him. We apologized to each other and moved on from there. We always had fun, there were times of disappointments from both of us but we got through it. We were getting closer. I was happy again.

Of course, all that is good must come to an end. On Halloween day, I went partying with my girls, dressed up as me because I’m scary af. I texted that night to see if he wanted to hang after and luckily he was in the area.

He dropped my friends off and stuff. Then he was going to drop me off, but something wasn’t right. He was acting a bit strange. He was asking if any of my friends knew about him, which of course they do. He started telling more things about his family and such. It was just weird and he was acting different. He got really silent at one point.

I asked what was bothering him, but he never answered me. I was feeling horny and whatever, I guess he was too. So, we parked somewhere hidden and did what sexy people do 😎 except sex. I don’t really want to tell his business, he’s just weird about it.

Anyway, after that night, I never saw him again. I deleted his number, but I still know his number off by heart. I just don’t think it would make me feel better if I ended up texting him. Just afraid he would say the same thing like the first time. I miss him a lot though, and I guess I just need help in figuring out how to get over him.

Thanks for reading!!! I really appreciate it!