What I found on my husbands phone

Yes, I did go through his phone. We had an incident a couple months ago (it happened while he was deployed but I only found out a couple months ago) where he was conversing with a friend MULTIPLE TIMES about various girls. He’d comment on their bodies, refer to them as ‘milfs’ , said he’d smash, and even asked to see some nudes! Along with comments about how sometimes he wishes he’d ended up with a foreign or Russian girl & that he sometimes wishes he didn’t settle down yet and would’ve explored more. That took a LONG time for me to move past. I was hurt beyond words. Since then, I’ve been iffy and wary of his conversations with friends. I go to look at his stuff today & this is what I find:

[Photos removed by Glow]

I’m literally so hurt. I dont know whose dick it is. Maybe it’s even his, I can’t tell. But why does he even have a picture like that? ESPECIALLY WHEN HE KNOWS THE GIRL. Why is he sending it to people? Why why why? This just crosses sooo many lines for me. I won’t tolerate anything Like that in my marriage. And he knows how much before hurt me.

And were moving in 6 days across the country. I’m leaving all my friends & family and we’ll be really close to his.

Please help. What do I do.