I feel so down, please I need advice

Me and boyfriend have broken up, I know deep down it was the right decision because we argued all the time towards the end, we did break up then get back together and nothing's changed, he lives in a different city so we only see each other on weekends, last 4months he makes no effort when he comes down, we don't do anything together like dates, he's not as affectionate and although I was planning to move near him and we where ttc he talked about future things with no mention if me 😢 I felt so unloved, worthless (my job pays £16-800 a year and he earns over £40-000) he says money isn't a problem but little things he said made me feel like he saw my job as rubbish, yes my pay isn't great but I could get a better job and better pay but I love my job (working with the homeless) because things have been bad and lack of love has made me not trust him, deep down I don't think he would cheat, yes things haven't been great but he isn't a bad bloke just thoughtless and selfish at times, but sometimes I have doubts and it broke my heart, I wasn't perfect either due to all this my temper hasn't been great, I tired so many times to sit and talk to him so we could sort things out but he would never see that he was wrong sometimes and he should just try and make more of an effort but he just thinks it's all me and he's perfect, which made me angry and shout , anyway I made the tough decision to end it, neither of us where happy. He seems to be dealing with it fine, we spoke for a few days after we broke up but now I have cut all contact, I feel empty inside, feel anxious, keep crying and just genuinely feel like I'll never move on and meet anyone else, We would never work but the thought of him moving on is killing me, I have moments where I'm absolutely fine then once I'm at home on my own I'm a broken woman, crying, been physically sick, not really eaten, not sleeping, I feel so empty inside, I've never felt like this before. Not this sad, I can't picture my future anymore because it was with him and I don't know what to do, will this go away or is this how I'm going to feel forever without him, I just want to be happy, I don't and can't keep feeling like this, someone please tell me how to get over him, how to stop feeling so low, I only have a few close friends and I don't always like to bother them as they have family's and are busy on a night with there kids , I'm just sat a home on my own crying over someone that I don't think is even bothered, please give me advice how to stop been in love and stop feeling like this please I'm hurting so bad😢😢🙏🏻