UDATE!! Am I overreacting


So yesterday I finally met with the state trooper handling our case. And found out there’s not much we can do. They can charge her with harassment and that’s all. We can’t prove that there was a sexual intent behind the assault. And I don’t think that was actually her intention. I do believe that she did it as a punishment. In Pennsylvania harassment is the lowest crime you can be charged with. She will get a ticket which she can please guilty to it or not guilty. If she pleas guilty she just pays the fine which can range from $200 - $500. Or she can plea not guilty and take it to court. In which she will still have to pay the ticket because I have text messages (the troopers also have them) where she has admitted that she did it. I wish there was more they could do. But something is better than nothing..

So tonight my best friend (she also lives with me) was playing with my 2 year old tonight. All of a sudden I hear her say do you want me to rip your pinky off? (Pinky is what he calls his penis) he did what ever he was doing again and she GRABBED HIS PENIS! Not once but twice. I have text messages proving she did it. She doesn’t think she did anything wrong. What do you think?


Sorry its been a long rough few days but the police had never followed up on Wednesday like they were supposed to after I had called them. So I had done some research and found the number to CPS. Last night I called CPS. Told them everything. They told me they would be sending my report to the district attorneys office. And the county police station! Haven’t heard anything else yet. Hopefully they come out soon enough. And I seriously hope she gets put away. I seen some people say that I shouldn’t ruin her life. But let’s get real here she just mentally scarred my son for life, her life deserves to be ruined. If she had the testicular fortitude to do that in front of me what was she doing behind my back. Yes she doesn’t see anything wrong with what she had done and that’s even more of a reason for her to be put away. She’s obviously mentally unstable and should never be allowed around children! I will update after I hear back on what’s going on!