Husband spending with Christmas with his dad

My husband and I got married in spring so this will be our first Christmas together. Christmas <a href="">Eve</a> will consist of visiting my father and mother briefly and then on Christmas Day my husband will be visiting his dad ALL day. His dad is even trying to talk him into staying overnight. I will not be joining him and here is why:

His father has been controlling, rude, and manipulative with my husband. Trust me... they way he talks to his grown ass son is as if he was 15 years old. When we get together with him he BARELY talks to me. I have to make small talk with him otherwise we would sit there in silence if my husband left the table. He also says rude things about me behind my back to my husband (who then tells me).

I just had a miscarriage and I am so sad and want to drown my sorrows in alcohol and tears. Well instead of spending our FIRST Christmas together he will be at his dads alllllll day. He has made me feel SO guilty for not going with him and told me to not rush him to hurry home. He asked me what I will do alone on Christmas and I told him the truth. I will cry and get drunk (I am not a big drinker, and have not had a drink in half a year, or gotten drunk in two years). I am feeling so freaking sad and now he’s worried I will try and hurt myself 🙄

It’s like he doesn’t care at all, like his father is more important then me. This is our first Christmas for crying out loud! He could stop by and visit his father for a couple hours and I would be fine, but no, he has to be there all freaking day. I’m probably over reacting right?