How do I help my boyfriend out??


So recently I started dating my friend of three years and it’s great we are lovey dovey and all that and he is really sweet, caring, funny, and so on. I’ve always helped him with homework and getting his grades up because he has no role model to help him. Recently he let his grades slip and at our school if your grades slip you can’t go to our end of the year field trip. So he is pretty bummed about that but what he is more bummed about is his family. Today he confided in me and told me that his mom started calling him worthless and that he won’t get Christmas and that she will tell his father. The thing is his family puts so much pressure on him and I can see it really takes a toll on him. His family basically tells him that he isn’t good enough and he has had depression before and this just adds to it. I want to help him but I don’t know how.