My boyfriend never asks for oral sex

I’ve been with my boyfriend for 10 months now and everything is going fantastic. I think we really love each other and we always have fun together both in and out of the bed. Nonetheless there is something that intrigues me: he has not ever, not even once, asked me to perform oral sex nor has he performed on me. I’m guessing he thinks I may not be ready as he’s the first man I’ve ever slept with. He’s been very patient and respectful but still asked for other things he enjoys. Could a man simply not wish to have oral sex? Or there could be something else? I don’t want to ask him yet because maybe he doesn’t like giving or (hard to believe it) receiving and I don’t want him to feel under pressure. I really don’t mind that we don’t have oral sex, I just want to know if he would want but doesn’t ask for some reason or if really doesn’t want and what would be the reason for that. Thank you for your answers and sorry for the long post!