Should he be allowed to move back in?

So my sister just had her baby eight days ago. She and her fiancé live with my mom along with my mom and dads dogs. So Friday night me and my fiancé come back with Christmas gifts and the dogs start barking. My parents aren’t home at the time. But my dad has dog that is fixing to be eleven years old and one that will be ten. Well, they were barking when we came in and my sisters fiancé said something about being tired of these dogs and we never seen him get up to go in my moms room. We heard a dog yelling in her room and my fiancé turned around and he was chocking the eleven year old dog. The same dog he had beat with a hanger before. He also has chocked the cat before as well.

My parents come home and my mom comes in and says don’t saying to my dad. I was mad, my sisters fiancé shouldn’t be putting his hands on animals. So I went outside to look for something in our car and my dad says, having fun yet, and I said no, and he asked what’s wrong and I said I’m not allowed to tell you. Then my mom comes outside and he said so what are you not allowed to tell me. I asked my mom, I said I don’t know, what am I not allowed to tell him and he knew right away it had something to do with his dog. So he goes in the house, my mom trying to get in front of him and starts confronting him and he called him some names. My sister stood in front of her fiancé as he called my dad names. In the mean time I’m calling for my fiancé to come here because Im pregnant and I can’t stop anything.He ended up getting past my sister and shoving my dad on the floor, and my fiancé came in there and grabbed my sisters fiancé out of this fight. My dad gets up and goes get a bat (I know, uncalled for) but he wakes my sisters fiancé in the back with it and some how he ends up with the bat trying to hit my dad. I jumped in front of him because I just know if he starts hitting my dad he’s not gonna stop, then he proceeds to threaten me with “your gonna put your self in a mans shoes” while holding this bat, all while he knows I’m carrying a child and my fiancé stepped right there to break it up and I told my mom I was calling the cops, while I’m outside with the cops my sisters fiancé picks up his kid who was like four days old and is trying to hit my dad. He told him to give the baby to his mom and he started to and then was like no and kicked my dad in his leg but apparently aiming for something higher up. My sister is seventeen. He is nineteen. There is a law that states he can go jail for being with her because they are a couple months past the two year mark but the cop said he wasn’t getting into that. He ended up having to leave and the cops said my sister can’t go with him because she has to be eighteen.

Six something in the morning on Sunday there was a cop knocking on the door and he told my sister to grab her stuff. My mom goes out there and apparently this sheriff, my sisters fiancé’s grandmother knows sent him over here saying it’s okay. So my dad goes out there and talks to him and he said he will make a phone call. My mom is telling my sister to come back and she was like no, because she thought she was leaving. The cop says, JDC said she has to stay until she is eighteen. He can not come get her. He is already borderline going to jail with what they have done already.

Here we are not even a week after this happens, my mom told me that she might let him move back in on Christmas. I said why. Someone like that can’t change that quick. My mom said he started taking his medicine. (He is bipolar and on depression medicine) she said he is supposed to start counseling. But like I told her. It’s not like she is gonna kick him out if he doesn’t. It took eight months of arguing, him and I got into it, and hurting animals before something got done. She said, well he is kody’s dad. I feel like he needs to actually go through foundling before coming back. Also a cop told my sister these things never end good and she still thinks he won’t hurt them. Would y’all let him move back in?

I also forgot to add that he has known she was pregnant for the beginning. She had just gotten a job cutting down Christmas trees and delivering then like three days a week. But he played Xbox from when we woke up and went to bed.

No charges where pressed because he charges where pressed on him they would have to be pressed on my dad.

My sisters outlook on this: he won’t hurt her or kody. She doesn’t feel like what he does in wrong. But when he is hurting an animal she has to holler at him to stop. This last time it happened, she said it was because he didn’t want the dogs to wake kody up. But he did this even before the baby was born. We came back the other day and the dogs where barking and he didn’t wake up.

My sister has supposedly said something about him putting his hands on her before, but if you ask them about it, it never happen, she also could have just said that, we don’t know. This happened at the beginning of the year

I personally don’t think he should be allowed back right now. I believe fathers should be around their kids but something isn’t right with him. You have to want help to change and I don’t think he wants it. I think he is only getting it because my mom told them he can’t come back around until he gets help