Membranes Stripped...Labour Soon?


My membranes were stripped yesterday at 9am, so it's been almost 36 hours. Since then, I've had intense contractions. Yesterday and overnight they were mostly inconsistent, but today, everytime I walked they were 3 minutes apart and when I sat down they were 7 minutes apart. I got checked by my doctor this afternoon to see if I was in labour. Turns out I'm still dilated to 2 cm (same as before my membranes were stripped), and my cervix is soft but long. Baby's head is fully engaged. I also lost some (or all? who knows) of my mucous plug during the check today. So my question is...what are the chances of this "early" labour turning into real labour? Anyone have experience with this? DTD twice yesterday to try and push things along, plus lots of walking and bouncing on exercise ball. Any info is appreciated!