Back pain & the IUD


Background on me, I've had 2 babies (1/19/2017 & 4/10/2017). Never used any kind of birth control other than condoms until the IUD. So I got the copper IUD put in some time in June. No problems. No cramping, no pain, everything was great. about two weeks ago (early Dec) I started getting dull back pain. It basically felt like I just over used a muscle or strained it wrong or something. I blamed it on picking up my kids with my back & not with my legs. The next day it was worse, & by the third day I couldn't move. Guys I'm not even exaggerating. I would try to walk from the couch to the restroom & would drop to my knees in pain every few steps.. My husband was the one who thought maybe it was the IUD. Long story short, I had it taken out & it was instantly like 25% better. It still took a couple days for it to completely heal & honestly my back is still lacking some mobility from all of that. But damn, if you ever feel like you got a sore back for seemingly no reason, it might be your IUD.