Pregnant before test?


I still breastfeed my nearly 13 month old daughter.

I missed a few pills this month, been busy and just forgot completely.

I have had undoubtable symptoms although not TTC it wouldn’t be a blessing to be pregnant with my second, we originally thought another 6 Months we would start trying but now would be ok. My periods have never regulated so I have no idea when I am due on. Took a test today and negative but these are my symptoms and I am so convinced..

Creamy dishcharge

Watery discharge

Stuffy nose

Scratchy throat

Fuller breasts

Cramps twinges pulls

Itchy body (especially soles of feet)


Lucozade tasted sooo sweet

Jaffa cakes taste different more orangey

Toast tasted different

Nose bleed

OH aftershave smelled strong like he’d poured the bottle onto him

few spots

Spots on tongue

Dry mouth (thirsty)


Pooing more regular than normal

Tired (feel lazy)

Foggy brain (throwing Daughters plate in bin and muddling words up)

Mild nausea

Pain in side of breast underarm

Crying at silly things

Extra saliva

Dreamt I had a BFP last night too.

Did anyone know they was pregnant before they got their BFP?