20lbs in 6 months? need advice.


Hey everyone!

I was wondering if anyone had any pointers, advice, or encouragement for me!

I’m 163lbs and 5’1. My husband and I had spent 5 months ttc but have ended up with 4 chemical pregnancies in a row, for my sake and my mental health we have decided to stop trying (but we won’t be preventing). I was on the depo for 2 years and in that process I went from 120lbs, super fit, to 163 and now I have terrible anxiety and other mental health issues. Now that we are done trying I want to focus on ME. I want to be fit and healthy again! I go to the gym 3 times a week and am hoping once the holidays are over I can go more often.

Ive tried meal prepping but am so picky that I cant even force myself to eat 2 day old food. I don’t mind making food fresh since I do have a lot of time at home. I have been going to the gym for 3 weeks now and sadly have only lost 1lb... even with healthy eating. I know it takes time and I hope I can drop at least 20lbs in 6 months (before summer!).