If you are having problems...

Chelsea • Mommy of two.

Go get checked out and demand testing. I learned this the hard way and I don't want anyone else to go through this. So here is the short story for those that hate reading. I was having problems and they kept brushing me off and telling me to lose weight and not testing me. Eventually I made them test me and now I'm losing weight and my problems are better, just by taking the meds to treat the problem they finally tested for after a year and half of asking. Go get tested if you are having problems.

before I had a problem

during problem


Now here is the long story for those who are still here. I weighed about 135 before I got pregnant. I had a really rough pregnancy so I was on "not bedrest but don't get up to do much" for about 3 weeks and then delivered at 29 weeks. I weighed about 180 2 weeks after I delivered and about 205 by the time my son was 3 months old. My acne was also terrible at this time and I like never had much acne before. At that point I started working out and eating healthy. About 3 months after this I had not lost any weight at all and I went to the doctor. They told me nothing was wrong and gave me tips on losing weight. No testing was done. A few months later I still had not lost any weight and now I was starting to get a little bit of facial hair. I went to a different doctor and they did the exact same thing. So fast forward about a year maybe less. At this point I had actually (very slowly) lost about 10 pounds but I basically had a beard I had to shave every 3 days and my cycles had gone from 1 month to about 2. We were also ready for our second child so I made an appointment and again told them about all of the problems I have been having. They again told me to lose weight and gave me tips on it. I told them that they need to do tests on me to find out what is going on. Low and behold I have PCOS and was put on Metformin. I could have avoided having to shave my face for the rest of my life if they had just tested me the first time I asked. Anyway, they put me on metformin and within 3 days my acne went mostly away and I now have to shave every 5 days instead of every 3. It has been a month and I have lost 10 pounds. That is how much it took me a year to lose before. My cycle was also a perfect 28 day cycle this month as well. Make them test you. Make them figure out what is wrong. Don't let them bully you and tell you that you just simply need to lose weight when you are doing all you can.