UPDATE Trigger tonight!

Ashley • TTC #1 since 7/16 - two IUIs, two egg retrievals, two frozen embryo transfers. MMC 3/18 👼. Pregnant with our 🌈, due 4/19! 💜

I'll be triggering tonight with HCG and Lupron (with a Lupron boost in the morning, as well). Last cycle, I only did the HCG. Has anyone had experience doing a dual trigger? I'm curious if it's going to make a difference!

Here's to hoping for plenty of eggs received on Saturday! 🤞

UPDATE: Retrieval went well and I'm home resting. We got 13 eggs! Anxiously awaiting the call tomorrow with how many fertilized. We're doing ICSI again. Anyone else?

UPDATE: Of the 13 eggs, 11 were mature, 9 fertilized and 7 made it to 5-day blastocysts!! We're doing chromosome testing, so I'll know within 2 weeks how many are normal. This is the part that I'm most worried about...last cycle, we had 4 blasts, but only one was normal. 🤞