Irresponsible parents

My husbands co worker is the most irresponsible man on the planet. He is married and his wife has a son from a previous marriage. She also just gave birth to their baby girl twins (they’re adorable 😭)

Both him and my husband are in the military and we all live on base. The way it works is, all of our home bills (rent, water, electricity and gas) are paid right out of their paychecks. So the only things to worry about tend to be smaller bills.

This man never has money for anything. Him and my husband are the same rank so get paid the same and believe me, he SHOULD have money. He never has groceries, he feeds his family fast food. He never has gas so is always asking for rides to and from work.

What does he spend his money on? Car parts and STRIPPERS. He lies to his wife, sneaks out of the house and pays hundreds of dollars on women he doesn’t know while his family is hungry.

Well tonight was the last straw. He called my husband and asked my husband to buy his babies diapers. We don’t know what to do. We have our own finances and our own baby to buy for. They don’t get paid a lot but we are smart with our money and we budget. We always have enough to pay our bills and save around $200 after splurging a little on my son. I feel so bad for those babies but at the same time, I don’t want to enable someone who clearly doesn’t give a shit about his family. 😭 I’m so torn