Never again use this


My husband bought this water for my son the other day. No even thinking about reading the label because my husband is such a freak about what the baby intakes. So I assumed he read the label. My son suffers from silent reflux as we as a lot of constipation problems. His reflux was getting so much better then the last week all of sudden he started spitting up, having stomach pains, gassy, didn’t want do tummy time and not sleeping through the night or even staying asleep for naps. I was going crazy freaking out what could be wrong now. I even called the doctor to see if he needed to switch formulas. Well today I sent my mom to pick me up water and formula and to find out the store clerk told her why would she give this water to a infant. It causes stomach and gas pains. I feel so bad that I didn’t read the label of fluoride and number two it should advertise not for infants. I believe this shouldn’t be right next to the formula. I understand this was mine and my husbands fault but we’re new parents we don’t know it causes pains. Sorry! I had to write this cause I feel like such a bad parent and in case others make this mistake