Was this a good response?😬

So I found out this girl doesn’t like me, I always thought we were on good terms but she said to me that she heard heaps of shit about me and didn’t wanna get to know me cuz she’d just be fake. I responded a while later with this... is it okay (yes it’s Long plz take the time!) oh and I’ll call her Jenny for this


Hey Jenny:)) I kind of always thought we were on good terms like I did follow your personal and you followed mine and stuff? I don’t think we have ever talked in person so I don’t know why you don’t like me? I never had a a problem with you even tho I heard heaps of stuff? Like I hear those thins and I don’t believe them because they indirectly came from someone else and not you? I know you probably have heard things but honestly if they aren’t coming from me or they’re coming from someone who also doesn’t like me please don’t believe it! I’m not asking for best friendship or sisterhood I just don’t want beef with people! x
