he's not sensitive


and we have been ttc our 2nd baby for the last....6months? maybe longer. I've stopped counting as it's just depressing seeing the negs. anyway, yesterday I was making Christmas cookies with our son (he's not 2 yet but nearly) and my boyfriend came out to the kitchen and was like I don't tell you guys enough but I LOVE you both! and gave kisses and hugs

hed heared us (me and our son) playing Christmas music and laughing and eating the cookiedough and choosing the cutters and he just caught feelings

and later on in the night as I was falling asleep downstairs just feeling exhausted from a long day he says softly, I really hope you're pregnant this time. and I was like why, feeling broody isit? (in a teasing/sarcastic way) and he said i cant wait to have another baby with you. and I've told you I've always wanted another! not quite understanding my teasing because of course he wants one or why are we trying yknow? lol but it was lush to hear him say it and know he's hoping just as much as me because usually he's just supportive like there's always next time don't worry etc. When we get neg results- it just felt like it was only bothering me but it's been bothering him too I guess, he just doesn't voice himself much. We won't find out until Christmas if we got our 2pink lines so wish us luck! I hope all of you get your Christmas wishes too!