Opinions and feedback appreciated


I broke up with my bf over the phone a few days ago over him texting a girl he met at a bar. At the time I was living with him and that made me upset to the point where I grabbed all my stuff and left his house without giving him an explanation and without telling him that I was upset although it was pretty clear. In my opinion that was cheating and disrespectful but he claimed it really wasn’t because he actually never met up with the girl. Anyways, before we broke up we had planned a trip to Chicago as our Christmas present but after this happened I’m not sure if I should. Plane tickets are bought and hotel is paid for. Should I just go with my mom or swallow my pride and ask if he can still come with?

I’m 65% sure I want to ask him but if we go to Chicago I know things might be weird between us since I just broke up with him. Please help any advice is appreciated!