PCOS Disappointment

Alicia • Married: 02/06/2015 and TTC since: 03/10/2015 for #1

Well, I was diagnosed with PCOS in December of 2016 and I went back to the doctor in September to a new doctor and he told me to have my husband get a semen analysis and when that came back if it was okay then he'd start me on Clomid. When I came back December 21st this year after the semen analysis he informed me that it was abnormal and he did a vaginal ultrasound to confirm that I did have cysts on my ovaries. I had only been diagnosed with PCOS with blood work so far showing I was insulin resistant, overweight, and some other symptoms. but I had cysts all over my ovaries too. He said he'd just be wasting my time if I continued care under him and referred me to a fertility specialist. Which I'm not upset about what he said or his recommendations, but I was so disappointed. I cried all the way home. I guess I just assumed I'd be starting a fertility drug and have some hope in the new year, which their still is but it's slightly farther off. We've been TTC for 3 years and I'm just really tired. Anyone who had PCOS with insulin resistance have experience at the fertility specialist, I'd love to hear about your time there and if you had success.