Finally I am back to normal!!


Before I was pregnant I lost a whole bunch of weight like 40 pounds worth. I went from 156 to 115. But as soon as I hit that all time lightest weight I found out I was pregnant. I was so scared that I would get back to being that big and I couldn't change anything about it. So I tried to eat right and workout, but that didn't work out half the time. I got all the way back up to 155 during pregnancy. I was told I was all baby, all stomach, and that I didn't really get big until the last month. Well as soon as I had him I went down to 138. Over the past almost 8 months I have been trying to get back down. It has been a struggle since I love food and I hate scheduling my meals and having to cut myself off from stuff I like. So I tried to do it minimally. I have finally hit 114 and I am so excited that I am back to where I was was. A huge weight has been lifted off my chest and now I can be healthy and fit for my son!!! Don't quit you can always reach your goals no matter how impossible they seem to be (:

pregnancy to postpartum


pre pregnancy