Sleep training question

How do you help your LO wind down?

We’ve been working on my sons sleep for quite a while now, hes almost a year he’s finally been sleeping in his crib in his room, and he KNOWS how to self soothe in the middle of the night but still protests at times and has a harder time during the day.. so I generally rock/nurse him to sleep for naps..

I have no problem rocking and nursing to sleep but since he’s still not taking long enough naps and still waking 2-4 times a night I think it would help him to sttn and take better naps to stop this! I really need to break the eat/sleep association completely I think for him to sleep better...

So my question is, how do you help baby wind down for naps? I always gave my first a cup of milk and even rocked her until 2 but she was a great sleeper once I actually put her down so I never minded....but with my son... so he will finally sttn and stop waking up from naps after 30 min wanting me!!! I need him to self soothe but I feel bad just plopping him in the crib... from play right to sleep.....but at the same time want to break his habits... does this make sense? How can I help him wind down without feeding and rocking him? What’s you mommies routines?? 😊