Can someone set my mind straight


I’m currently 7 weeks, I have an appointment next Thursday. My husband and I have talked about twins so much that I’m afraid we will be sad if it’s not.... I got my bfp test at 11 dpo (5 days before af) and pregnancy symptoms started that same week (super nauseous) I had awful, awful stomach issues and ended up going to the dr at 5 weeks to rule out any complications like ectopic pregnancy, everything was fine, they saw one baby (barely) but it was very early. My hcg levels were 11,000 at 5 weeks which was a little high. I got pregnant 3 months after having Mirena removed and I heard it’s common to have hyper ovulation (two eggs dropping) after iuds come out.

Anyway, lots of signs there but I know it really could just be one baby. Deep down I’m hoping a second baby was just hiding in that first scan and we’ll see it next week, but I don’t want to be disappointed if it’s not twins. I’m super excited either way!

Would love some thoughts on this!