Broken Water at Work

•Bunny• • PCOS, HeFH, Hypothyroidism, and NAFLD fighter

My due date was Monday, December 4th. On Monday, November 27th about 1:30pm, while at work, I felt a pop and a gush. My water broke. I called the doctor and my husband. We arrived at the hospital about 2:30pm. I had irregular contractions throughout the day and night. By Tuesday morning I was dilated to 6 cm and still had irregular contractions roughly 5 minutes apart. My doctor started Pitocin to help things along around 1:00 pm on Tuesday. I finally was dilated to 10 cm Tuesday night around 9pm. I asked for and receiced an Epidural at this time, due to the exhaustion and extreme amount of pain I was in. Once the epidural was in, around 9:30pm, I started pushing. I pushed for about 4 hours. Baby got stuck. They couldn't get baby to drop down. We tried several different positions. Nothing helped. Around 1:30am Wednesday morning, my family doctor said we were stopping pushing and waiting for the OB to finish with a C section, and come talk to us. It was decided a C section was necessary. Baby's heart rate was too high, my blood pressure was too high, I was bleeding too much, and my water had been broken for an extended period of time now. So, after having a C section, my baby boy Noah was born on November 29th around 3am in the morning.

Labor and delivery was one of the most painful, horrible things I've ever experienced. Post partum has been a difficult recovery as well, along with dealing with Post Partum Depression.